Originally Posted by Leafmite
You have beautiful masdies and I always enjoy seeing the pictures.
Thank you very much! I was quite afraid to try them and consider myself fortunate that they do fairly well in my conditions... and that my boyfriend is very tolerant of my "modifications."

I do have a few more in bud and/or bloom that I hope to share soon, I'm so excited!
I wanted to post my rolfeana to show how happy they can be and still not always give us what we want.
Here is "the beast" as I like to call it. I got this plant from Andy's last fall while he was at the Mass Orchid show. It was already a good sized plant - it has grown gangbuster since I got it, though. I think sometimes it outgrows its ability to provide as it's not uncommon for it to abort a new growth or two. Currently, it's got 13 new growths initiated that I could see and many more newer growths maturing.
The problem? This plant is huge, where the heck are my blooms!? Does it think it gets a free ride? Who knows - three different sources say it blooms during three different times. Maybe it's confused too.