aw shucks, yeah I hope they continue to stay afloat... I emailed them a few weeks ago and never heard back...
I've been growing that bulbo biseriale for a couple years or so... still can't figure it out. It seemed to grow a lot with lots of water, practically sitting in water, but never flowered. Then it started to rot a bit so moved it to higher light and let it dry out a bit, and it's not growing so fast... still hasn't flowered. Actually I think it's bulbo alagense (andy sells this)... biseriale noted on iospe doesn't look similar at all, but jay admittedly writes it may not be it i think...
ok back to barbosella... (which autocorrect keeps at burbles LOL)... omg, so nice to have other folk on here that appreciate species like these! Because of my high temps I can't grow many of these as I use to on east coast years ago... but even then the best sources for micro mini species are import/ international growers... and that's what makes it tricky, so few vendors here sell micro mini's, and jl is a main source so it'll be sad if they go...

(other vendors are seattle orchids which is way to too pricey, along with andy, imho... plus there's marlowe's, on occasion)
I found out through Steve at floralia that barbosella, and other pleuros, in brazil grow at low altitudes and handle heat well so I'll be getting some of those from him this show (he's from brazil)... and the preorder I mentioned is from mundiflora, from ecuador... never ordered from them so pretty excited! But cross fingers they didn't mess my order up! I'll be there friday to get em! If they have another orbicularis, I'll get one for you, no problem
That said, I'm not going to go crazy at this show, I've gotten lot of ones I've been wanting this year... plus time and of course $ is getting tight as it always does as we approach *gasp* holiday season, oy!