Well there are developments, not good I'm afraid. Looks like the Porroglossum meridionale will not be giving me flowers. Developed a problem with it and it started dropping leafs fast - unpotted it to find there were still healthy roots and the problem was were the roots meet plant mostly. The pot seemed to be waterlogged (over saturated) in the centre

Meh! Probably should have just mounted it in the first place.
Stuck what's left of it on a spare mount - but hold little hope. Fungacide will still be used.
On the plus side the Masdevalia is doing OK

No signs of spikes yet though

Though watching it grow is making me happy enough. After the slight set back with having it in a too low light position, it's really shown improvements since being placed behind a suitable shade cloth on a west facing window. Though as summer approaches and the light levels change - I will likely have to move it again.
The leaf colour is a paler green than before but not approaching the bad washed out levels. The leafs themselves seem quite firm and strong. I guess it's all about the balance, with any luck and a lot of attention I may just get it right and have it blooming within a couple of year... I hope!
It must be said I am definitely not a Masdie Master yet, so any tips are always apprciated.