Originally Posted by Orchid Whisperer
Very cool!
Any tips for growing this one? Is your potted or mounted, & what is it growing in/on?
Its in the 2.5" clay pot I received it in two years ago. The medium its potted in is Sphagnum - nothing else. It never dries out completely, and is in an intermediate greenhouse where winter temps are: 58F nights to 80F days, occasionally warmer if the sun comes out. Summers the temps are 58-64F nights and days are often up to 85F, with shadecloth in place from April through mid-October. Humidity is always 70% - 90% and air movement is constant, though modest.
P. dilemma receives an occasional splash of Dyna Gro Orchid fertilizer, year round, since it seems to make new growths at any time of the year. It doesn't appear to need a rest at any time.