Hi everyone
Whenever I introduce a new orchid into my terrarium there's a fair chance it will sulk for a month or two. All of a sudden the light intensity is different and the day is several hours longer; it's a jarring experience.
I have however a Porroglossum josei which has been sulking now for four months. It has put on some growth, a couple of roots and a pale, stunted looking leaf but it isnt happy at all. It is about 2 inches away from a Porroglossum muscosum, which is very happy (currently pushing out a flower spike) despite being cool growing and my terrarium being intermediate.
Can anyone offer any advice? I was so excited to find my josei but it seems cultural advice is thin on the ground, all I have is it is warm to cool requiring full shade.
My terrarium at this time if year gives 15-24C night/day, 70-85% humidity, daily watering.