Have you grown any cool growing masdie's or pleuro's before? They are a great way to experiment with making condition favorable for them and also for most lower elevation drac's.
What I do is use bowls and other containers to trap humidity around the plants, they are also near the air output of an ATX power-supply to give them good air movement (power supply is what keep the fans in the hot/warm orchidarium running). I can't help with a simple solution dropping the temps

I've been keeping the dracs and other cool growers on the floor of my room to take advantage of the cool floor (basement level, on the floor temps are in the upper 60's ) the higher you go in my room the warmer it gets (currently maxes around 74 - 77F durring the day and 71 - 74F at night).
Lighting can be variable for them, they are more than happy getting bright light if other conditions are being met

but low light is fine as well (growth will likely be slower).