I had been very much into cool growing Pleurothallid orchids for a number of years as well as even trying a few Telipogons in a fridge setup. I have lost most of these over time and even lost my Lepanthes tsubotae

a few days ago. It was down to one leaf, and I suspect the humidity was never high enough on a consistent basis (among other factors). I am down to two of what I would consider cool growers, including a grass-like Ponera species (not sure which species, as the info on this genus has changed since I acquired it around 5 years ago). It has hung on, not doing particularly well, but surviving.
The other is Lepanthopsis rinkei, pictured below. The grower had originally been sold this plant as Lepanthopsis melanantha many years ago, but it turned out to be Lepanthopsis rinkei, from Panama, instead. Due to this back story, and the fact that I had never heard of or seen this species for sale, I had to have it. I actually bought two plants, mounted on small cedar slabs. These had been growing in an open glass container with the few other cool growers for about 6 months. Recently, some fungal problems became evident on the leaves and it was obvious the roots were staying too wet, as the bottom of the mount would be submerged in the water at the bottom of the jar at times.
I decided to put what was left on a piece of hardware cloth with nothing around the roots at all, in a vase with a constriction at the top which will hold more humidity in for the plants. I'm not sure whether or not to continue placing in a sealed tub with cold packs each night or not (?). Does anybody else have experience with this Pleurothallid?