Warmth Tolerant Mini Draculas?
Hey guys. I just started up an intermediate terrarium to save my restrepias and now I'm considering miniature draculas for my setup. I know for sure that Dracula lotax and Dracula mopsus are among them and I have heard from Andy (from Andy's orchids) that Dracula vespertilio is somewhat warmth tolerant and is relatively small. So here's my setup. It's a twenty gallon tank with around ten inches of height to insert plants into due to my egg crate bottom. Temperatures hover around 80 degrees in the summer however they will be somewhat lower due to a plan that I devised for cooling the tank via clay pots that seems to be working right now. Humidity and water quality shouldn't be a problem and the light comes from a heavily shaded southern window (and on top of that, I put egg crate on the tank wall facing the window for mounted orchids). Any suggestions?