Hi all, I when to a local orchid show on Saturday and I had a great time there! I actually had TOO good of a time and I came back with some unexpected arrivals all of which are from Ecuagenera. I came home with 11 new orchids and couldn't be happier, but this is my first adventure into many different genera and I could use some advice on their culture. I plan on keeping these in my vivariums in intermediate temps. The humidity stays very stable between 85-90% with
misting every other day. Without further ado, here is a list of what I came home with!
Porrolossum hystrix - My first Porroglossum and it's throwing spikes out now. Does anyone know how tall it is including spikes?
Masdevallia nidifica - Beautiful plant and is in excellent condition at the moment, I would like to keep it that way!
Scaphosepalum breve - Also in great condition and has five or six spikes at the moment
Stelis mystax - I'm somewhat familiar with this species. A friend grows it in conditions identical to mine.
Dracula mopsus - Again, in pretty good shape. This is a BS size division I got from a friend, actually
Restrepia iris - I preordered this plant and it came bone dry and rough looking. After a nice soaking its looking MUCH better!
Restrepia brachypus - same story as R. iris, but this one has two keikeis!

Dryadella clavellata - this was a poor impulse buy. It is in very rough shape and in need of TLC...
Pleurothallis grobyi 'small form' - another preorder, but unlike the others, it arrived in great condition!
Zootrophion atropurpureum - This is just a small keikei from a friend, not Ecuagenera. Definitely needs some love...
Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes - small division, got it for free
I'm most concerned with the Masde, Dryadella and Porroglossum since they were all impulse buys for the most part. I have done some basic research on all these plants, but there is definitely more I could learn and as always, personal experiences are very welcome! I will get some pictures of these guys up when I get the chance, too
Thanks all!!

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