Pleurothalis Species Purchase or What Was I Thinking?
So I was checking out Tropical Orchid Farm's (TOF) updated website and found a long list of plants. I'd been wanting to buy plants from them since last Fall but winter set in and outlasted its welcome. This week it feels like Spring is going to stay. I am comfortable that if I order orchids and have them shipped, they will not suffer the consequences of cold temperatures.
TOF requires a minimum order of US$40.00. At a certain point they start giving discounts off plant prices. Sounds easy, but many of their plants are in the $10-20 range. After finding plants on my wish list to place in my cart, I was still in need of some more plants to top's like me going to a grocery store to buy milk and eggs but I come home with all kinds of stuff too (sometimes I forget to buy the milk!).
I bought these three plants based on the TOF's description and little sense. After I got confirmation that my order was successfully completed, then it occurred to me, I know nothing about Pleurothalis. OYE vey! I found ISOPE's descriptions and lots of pictures on these plants. But a little advice from you would be welcome. Do you grow any of these Pleurothalis? If do you grow them? The plants won't arrive until next week, but when they do, I'll circle back here and post pictures. I have pictures from the website, so I know what they look like. If you have any of these plants, would you post here your plant's picture? Thank you.
Pleurothalis sarracenia 'Natural World'
Pleurothalis perijaensis
Pleurothalis corniculata
Last edited by MattWoelfsen; 05-06-2014 at 10:27 AM..