Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on pleuros that are particularly fast growing? Assuming good growing conditions-I myself would be interested in intermediate-warm growers that could quickly provide divisions to fill out vivariums and share with other folk but I'm sure any notes you have would be interesting.
I've got a couple things from Andy's and I'm not sure how much pricing is affected by rarity vs growth speed-I can tell you that certain species are always much larger on a plaque-so you seemingly get more for your money with those. I'd imagine they are all on the plaques for more of less the same time prior to sale.
I got some Stelis hirtzii as an example-my friend chose it as for $15 you got a portion on a plaque that was enough to divide into many little plants...versus some species that tended to only have a few offsets on each plaque.
Also, anyone know if cutting spikes on small plants would encourage more growth?
Last edited by critterguy; 02-15-2014 at 09:49 PM..
I don't have much experience with plueros but I have an Ophidion pluerothalopsis which is growing like crazy in temps in the 70's. Its put out about 8 leaves since I purchased it a few months ago.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
"Fast growing" is a rather relative term. I would consider Pths brighamii a fast grower. Mine took about 5yrs to go from a 0.5 inch plug to a fill a 3 inch pot. It has gotten large enough that I will be taking some small divisions off of it come spring.
I have a lepanthes manabina that grows like crazy. the mother plant is huge and continually the leaves start growing roots and other leaves. just snip the leaves off and mount onto spag and a new plant is grown. pretty cool mini with really nice mini flowers. Also its always in bloom.
Dendribium flavascens (ramosii) is a real good grower, and Pluerothallis restrepioides is always increasing. The Dend. is a miniature and grows well terreriums. Both of these are fairly temperature tolerant. I have a lot of each, PM if interested.