Originally Posted by stonedragonfarms
I don't have this one in my collection; given its growing elevation and other cultural notes, I imagine if you were to grow it as for the cold growing draculas that would be a place to start; you might look at the growing region to see if the habitat falls in the range of cloud forest (I suspect it does), in which case shoot for water super low in TDS (60ppm or less), ample humidity 80%+, plenty of air movement and light around 800FC. I'd also suspect the plant would do better mounted than potted; again, just my observations. Keep us posted on your culture,
Thanks Adam, I appreciate the input! From what I've gathered so far, they are from the cloud forest range. Since the addition of a fogger in the greenhouse, I've seen really good things with my Dracs, Restrepia and Masd. Most of my plants are cool-cold growing. I've been weeding out everything that isn't in the temp range.
I'm on strictly rainwater now. So water quality isn't an issue.
A little leery of mounting it, but perhaps if the plant is large enough, I'll mount part of it and plant the other in a new mix I'm going to use this Winter as I begin the repotting game....