Ice Orchid- Masdevallia. Beth Cox watered with ice. Ice has little dissolved solids 5ppm, so pretty pure water. Indoor grower north east window, some morning sun in spring and bright light rest of time. Cool room 45 to 60 degrees in late fall and winter. 85 degrees in summer indoors, outside it can be 95 to over 100 degrees, a semi arid climate. Summer I fill hole at top with ice twice a day to keep orchid cool and once a day place a little ice on the moss to keep moss around plant moist.. Since growing this way I have more thicker leaves and less blemish on leaves. Going to try this on a Dracula next. Only cool cloud orchids do I water with ice never tropical warm growers.
You can see it on Facebook Orchid board. Sandy SA
Do not usually post, but someone asked me too so I did. Pretty proud of this one now if I can get it to bloom. Will post when it does that.