Restrepia brachypus orange & Pleurothallis restrepia
Ok, got to these species only some few months ago when I read here on OB that some grow them in success in warmer climates. Restrepia brachypus orange bloom is for sure not result of my care, I got this one only some 3 weeks ago, and it had this spike already forming, however at least it did not die with the heat shock and it has actually another 2 brand new spikes forming now! It has bigger bloom when it is open than second smaller brother, Pleurothallis restrepia trichoglossum. That guy was my first from this group, and I have it for cca 2 months, it seems it did like our summer and actually it did bloom with it's first spike 2 weeks ago! I do keep them in shaded part, no direct sun what so evere, section with Masdevallias, run fan there at least a few hours a day, and I do ice pan nights - I fill turkey alumni baking pan (the biggest size) with big ice blocks every night, place oven wire rack over it and place all my masdies and restreppias over it to get some temp differences overnight:-)
Last edited by TOMMYMIAMI; 06-07-2014 at 03:38 PM..