Thanks Lordoftheswarms and 31drew31 for your helpful replies.
So the 150W MH will be too much for the draculas unless I put in the bottom half below the shade of stronger light loving plants higher up - that would sort out the sunburn issue.
There is still the heat though - well in summer it's not very humid here. I've decided to put fans in at the top (under the glass but spaced a bit from it) blowing down to recirculate air.
If the power were to go off in Summer on a really hot day I suppose I could just open the case (I'm going to have the front opening) and hand mist?
So this article
How Much Light do Orchids Need? lists
-like very bright light and some direct sun
e.g. cymbidiums(pictured), vandas, standard cattleyas, dendrobium (phalaenopsis type)
-like bright light but no direct sun
e.g. oncidinae intergenerics(pictured), oncidiums, miniature cattleyas, phalaenopsis, phragmipediums
- like bright indirect light
e.g. mottled-leaved paphiopedilums, jewel orchids, many angraecoids
If I put the draculas at just below the half way mark that would leave 1.15 metres or 115 cm above or below which should be enough height for the pendulous dracula blooms (and maybe putting the gigas even lower because it has upright spikes.
In terms of other orchids I have 2 Vanda tessellata x coerulea seedlings which are roughly 30cm ish across by 10cm tall, a Vanda Fuchs Blue x coerulea seedling and a Ascocenda Princess Mikasa 'Blue' seedling (about half the size smaller than the tessellata x corerulea seedlings).
They would obviously tolerate higher light but they still need room to grow so how high up or close to the top can they go (assuming that I want them to have room to grow and flower but that if they get to tall I can top them leaving behind the mothers from which keiki's can grow)?
As to other high light plants I do have one or more plants that I could use (that are either seedlings, small plants or big full grown) such as some dendrobium speciosums (might get a little to big maybe though?

), some dendrobium kingianums and kingianum x delicatum hybrids, dendrobium loddigesii (seedlings), 2 mounts of Dendrobium prenticei, big mount of Dockrillia pugioniformis, some Dendrobium aemulum, and a few other unnamed species and hybrids of terete or Rat tail variety dockrillas, dendrobium uncatum, 3 different mounted dendrobium tetragonums,
Laelia anceps (mounted on tree fern), Laelia tenebrosa (big seedling), Laelia milleri (mounted on cork), Leptotes bicolor (tree fern mounted), Slc Kauai Starbright Vi x S. acuensis, Slc mini Dorris Carmela x Slc Bright Angel,
Also um could put tillandsias at the top - not sure if too bright for broms though.
Then for bright/filtered (under/shaded by everything above?):
Miltonia clowesi, Miltonia flavescens, Miltonia stenoglossa, Miltassia estralita,
Oncidium species: ornithorhynchum, incurvum, trulliferum, excavatum, phymatochilum,
Hybrids: Beallara Diana Dunn (compot several plants), vuylstekeara cambria plush 4n (seedling), Hamelwellsara June 'Indigo Blue', Miltonia Aztec 'Toni', Onc. Splinter (big tree fern mount and other piece in semi-hydro hydroton), Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance', Wilsonara Bonne Nuit x Odcdm Tiger Hambuhren, Odont. Anna Claire 'Floriculture', Oda Cornelia 'Distinctive' x Odcm Tiger Hambuhren 'Goldilocks' AM/AOS, Odontonia Tropical Heatwave 'Everglades', Oda Shelley 'Mt. Beenak', Cochlioda noezliana x vulcania, Colmanara Wildcat Everlasting, Howeara Lava Burst seedlings. Miltoniopsis Oriental(?), Miltassia Dennis Kleinbach Crowhurst,
Phals: Phalaenopsis Purple Gem, Phalaenopsis Malibu Madonna, miniature; Phalaenopsis Anna-Larati Soekardi (very miniature), Phalaenopsis Be Tris , Phalaenopsis Chingruey's Goldstaff, Phalaenopsis Jiaho Kitty Face,
Brassia verrucosa, Ondontoglossum lindenii, Lemboglossum bictoniense,
Aerangis platyphylla, Aerangis ellisii x Aerangis modesta, Angraceum dideri, Angraecum elephantinum (all mounted corkbark),
Rangaeris amaniensis,
Diplocaulobium fariniferum, Rossioglossum grande
Gongora bufonia, Gongora armeniaca, unknown gongora,
Encyclia garciana,
Coelogynes (flaccidia, ovalis, nitidia, cristata)
Various maxillaria; tenuifolia, variabilis, sanguinolenta, porphyrostele, sophrontis, nigrescens,
Harella retrocalla (4 big seedlings)
Scaphosepalum gibberosum, Scaphosepalum fimbriatum,
Odontoglossum pulchellum (semi-hydro in perlite)
Isochilus aurantiacus,
Paph. Startler glace x pure spirit
Paph. glaucopar
Paph. esquirole
Panesia uniflora
Cadetia taylori
Stanhopea nigroviolacea
Bulbophyllum ambrosia
Dryadella albicans, Dryadella zebrina
various masdevallia hybrids/species - caesia, angulata, triangularis, infracta,
various pleurothallis (mostly mounted), restrepias (mostly mounted), stelis mounted, zootrophion mounted, broms, ferns, begonias, crypanthus,
Of course these can't all fit and some might be inappropriate completely because the spikes or leaves get too big (other dimensions of the case are 92cm long and 46cm wide).
The top 92cm x 92cm back wall will have capillary matting over corktiles while the bottom already has corktiles on it (from when it was a fishtank) with java moss growing fed by occasional dripwall.
Most plants if not already mounted or if I need to move them, will get mounted onto the capillary mat or on cork bark or maybe on (fake) branches.
Lots of seedlings/small plants will fit in but obviously as they get bigger they might get too big or too competitive?
I think what I'm going to have to do is a) write down the length of flower spikes of each plant b) place a measurement on the outside from top to bottom so that c) I can move the plant up or down depending on light requirements and flower spike length requirements.
Other plants that I like that I thought could go in but don't have (but could get):
Porroglossum portillae $25.00
Pleuro gargantua B $25.00
Masdevallia erinacea $100.00
Dracula fuligifera $35.00
Dracula simia $35.00
Porroglossum teaguei $25.00 /$20.00 (MT.B.)
Masd. Tovarensis $25.00
Oncidium Twinkle 'Fragrant Fantasy' $16.50
Mystacidium brayboniae mounted $10.00
Paph Delenatii $7.00
Oncidium (Psychopsis) Mendenhall (Papilio x Butterfly) $7.00
Macodes petola, telipogon, lepanthes etc (though I've never seen any of these in sale in Vic. Australia)