Hello folks,
I'm setting up a glass growing case that will be approximately 2.3 metres tall for various orchids and I have a D. bella x cordobae, D. Gigas Marnie, D. vampira, D. vampira 'JJ" and a Dracula bella that I'm going to divide and put in a piece of as well.
I'm trying to figure out at what height they can/should be put in at.
I've had the bella x cordobae and bella flower before but I don't recall how long the spikes were.
IOSPE PHOTOS says that Dracula vampira has 15 to 19" [37 to 57 cm] long inflorescences
Also the gigas
IOSPE PHOTOS has upright blooms on [60 cm] long, successively few flowered, racemose inflorescences.
In terms of light at the top will be a 150W Metal Halide and 1 or 2 supplemental 50watts or more compact fluorescents and 4 x 96cm 30watt tube fluorescents hanging vertically on both sides (facing in of course) providing light.
Any tips, suggestions on placement?