You gotta love mini masdevallias. This one has been reluctant to bloom. I watched six buds drop before I moved it to a slightly more humid area. Just after the buds drop, new ones appear on the same inflorescence. I should have waited for more flowers but didn't want to take any chances.
I started using condiment cups as pots. They work great. I drill holes in the bottom. Then stuff em with live moss. I keep a few spare ready for propagation. I think this one had horsey sauce.
Last edited by Fishballs; 03-07-2012 at 10:53 PM..
Thank you all. I grow in an aquarium, under flourescent lights, with mist three times a day. Moss grows like crazy. I have to "weed" my orchids of moss. Sometimes it will quickly overgrow some of the smaller plants. I also grow different species of moss for different plants depending on their size. Some grow long and stringy others short like a carpet. I think I have seven different types. The moss reminds me of bonsai.
Last edited by Fishballs; 03-07-2012 at 09:54 PM..