Greenpassion, look at Norman's Orchids at Go to phals and click the box that says show compact growers only. There you can read about some of the different types of small phals. Look for plants that they say are easy to grow. Also stick with cheaper plants to start with. Also check out Big Leaf Orchids and click on Novelty Phals. They don't give quite as much detail but again, you can get some information on different types. I'll warn you that some minitures phals are some of the most expensive orchids around and they die just as easily as a large orchid. But you can find cheap ones too. Good luck.
I am so jealous of you guys!! I want to be able to have little guys like these. I think I'll look for the 'Hana Nguyen". You guys all know the names of all these. I am that way with my elephant ears and other tropicals, but am so way new to all this knowledge of different species of orchids. Man! I can't imagine ever being able to do what I see in these pics.