It's only in the last 3 years that I became interested in this group of orchids. It started when the member of another club gave us a talk on masdevallias. He gave me one and had others for sale. I'm hooked now of course
Not very good photos I'm afraid but I've been pleased that almost all have flowered more than once this year and the veitchiana has been in almost constant flowering since very early in the year.
The spikes on your veitchianna are much more compact than mine. Mine grow so long the flowers sag over. However it's leaves grow really compact. I wonder why mine likes such overly long spikes
Thanks Daethen and RosieC I think I've discovered the reason for that today. A local friend who is quite an expert on Masdevallias says he thinks mine looks like a hybrid between veitchiana and caudata and I think he is right. That would account for the size of it and I think these flowers may be a bit wider at the bottom too - more like caudata. I'm no expert though but I do seem to be expert in losing labels!lol
Ah, that's interesting. It could account for the difference. Looking at it again I would say the bottom of the flowers looks proportionally wider than on mine.