Originally Posted by Tindomul
I have a cutting of one and find it to be very slow growing.
What is yours potted in? [...] This division has given me 1 1/2 leaves of growth in 1 year. Is this normal?
Mine has 32 leaves, and it seems to have been growing new ones at a rate of about 1 per month. So if yours is 1/8th the size of mine (4 leaves), it would make sense to have 1/8th the rate of new leaf (1.5 per year).
Each new leaf on mine takes about 2 months to get fullsize. Leaf-growing might accelerate if the blooming period ever stops and it takes a rest period.
I'm not completely sure about the medium. I have had it 4 months and haven't taken it out of the pot. It seems to be 100% sphagnum moss.
I read before that Masd in general are light feeders, so that's how I started off. But, I'm skeptical of generalities like that, because Masd is a pretty diverse group, as Ramón's posts show. I lately feed this one no less heavily than my Miltassia, which is a very fast grower. I think my Masd is doing better with more feeding.
So, I don't know how small your division is, but more humidity would bring conditions closer to my own, and, I do think that the cooler temps you can provide, the better. Mine is rarely above 60-65F.
Good luck! When it blossoms it will be really fun.