I am going to need our Masdie/Drac experts for this one!

I have been interested in Masdevallias and Draculas for quite a while, but due to the torridly hot weather of my main growing area (27.5*C daytime average), I have shied away from these two lovely genera. Just recently (today), I had the genius idea if taking the empty fish tank I have and putting it in our basement were it is MUCH cooler, and I want to know what kind of Masdevallia and Dracula species would thrive with a summer high of 21*C? I am not quite sure of the nighttime temps as I have just put a thermometer down there, but would the nighttime temps be important? If so, I could guess and say it would be around 17*C. Would this environment be productive to any species from these two ADORABLE genera? If so, a list of any you can think of would be AWESOME! And as I said, I am not so sure what the night time lows would be, but I will know tonight. Once again, thank you to the Pleurothallis Masters we have on the Board!