Platystele umbellata care and growing
I'm looking for specific help in growing platystele umbellata. I ordered a plant from J&L, and it seems to just sit there. It lost one leaf, but after that, it hasn't grown or lost any more leaves. It gets about 10 hours of medium light from CFL daylight bulbs, and humidity is about 70-80%. Temp is about 70-75 day and 65-70 night. I was told once to keep it moist, so it slightly dries and then gets misted. I also have a small computer fan in the terrarium for circulation. I thought this was ideal, but I'm just getting no growth. Does anyone have experience with this type of orchid and what are the ultimate conditions for it? Any suggestions? I did repot it when I got it, and one site said it's not happy for a while until it re-establishes itself.