This is the first time this has flowered for me.
I bought it in the summer, having been tempted to get a second restrepia while visiting a nursary.
There is a second flower bud which looks pretty close to opening, a third is smaller but growing and unfortunately the 4th and 5th tiny buds seem to have stalled.
The flower is pointing almost completely upwards. Not sure if that's due to the lower light recently with these dark winter months, or if it's normal for these. The second bud is at the same angle.
The leaves got pretty red over the summer and I think I had it in too high a light. It's not grown at all for me yet which is concerning, but I hope it will once the weather warms up.
I grow it in my greenhouse, and it's one of the few orchids I grow in moss (only Restrepias and Masdies).