I'm thinking about redoing my enclosure for my 3 Masdevallia's. The enclosure as it stands right now is a 40 gal breeder with a lid with a tek 36" 4 bulb unit (< old style ) sitting on top.
My idea is to stick about 3-4" of water in the bottom. To keep the water from becoming stagnant I plan on using a Tunze micro circulation pump. And have some sort of rack to hold the orchids about a 1/2" above the water. And since I can't figure how to mount a PC fan to the inside of the tank and to have better light readings. I thought about removing the lid.
Now with that said will this work? As far as keeping the humidity within range. To me it seems the heat from the lighting fixture would evaporate enough to keep humidity in check to some extent without the use of a lid. I think I know what the verdict will be. But to be on the safe side I'd like some opinions.
for a rack, just use sections of PVC and eggcrate if aesthetics isn't an issue. if you need to increase the humidity, two ways are to have the water "fall" into your larger holding area or just throw in a few air stones.
personally, i would keep the lid and just mount the fans from the top of your lid.
If you're having issues with mounting it on the hood, then just post some pics and we should be able to figure something out
Thanks for the suggestions and link. Both idea's got the old wheels turning in my noodle. I think I may have a long shot idea to rig a fan up. I'll update when I get it running.