Here're another few suggestions...
Try a clear or translucent plastic pot. There are now pots that are as small as 2".
Instead of full moss, you could also try using medium grade bark and a moss top dressing.
I think your temperatures should be okay. Especially if the room you're growing in doesn't go above 80 F (26 C) - you gotta make sure though.
Fertilizers should be urea free.
N-P-K is fine.
Concentration of fertilizer is a actually a bit weak, but it's fine. You can go two pinches per L, and it'd be okay.
If the room's humidity is around 60%, I don't think it's a problem.
If you like, here's a suggestion for a more temperature tolerant Masd species to try out. Or perhaps a few hybrids too.
Masd infracta
Masdevallia Dean Haas
Masdevallia Copper Angel
Masdevallia Sunset Jaguar 'Nightbreed'