I've just re-potted my Restrepia and although I've already done it I want to check if I got the depth of the rhizome right.
I think it was slightly deeper in it's previous pot... because I think that the two new growths were under the moss originally (I certainly hadn't noticed them until I re-potted). I was also unsure until I took it out the pot if it was just several disconected leaves... or if they were really one plant under there
Is it right that the Rhizome is completely buried or should I pull some of the moss off the top?
On the good side... I was really impressed with the health of the roots on this guy. I was worried they might be rotten as I've had no idea how much to water it.... but the roots are all strong and the plant is overall much stronger than I expected it to feel (I was expecting it to be VERY delicate but it wasn't).
The Roots
The two new growths
In new pot with growths just poking through.