Originally Posted by Tindomul1of9
That is soooooooooo cool!! I need one of these! How do you grow it? Cool, humid, shady???
Thanks Tindo,
it was briefly outside for a time and in my hobby greenhouse for a short while but it's mostly been grown in one or another fishtank.
I had it potted for quite a long time but mounted it a few months ago, as I find it is easier to take of them mounted in terms of not overwatering, and at some point I might stick in my viv that is still in it's planning stage
It's currently in my Jebo, which I have a photo of floating around on a thread here somewhere
which is generally about 70ish% RH and 20-28 degrees celcius depending on outside weather as it's in a hallway that's neither heated or cooled in winter/summer.
It's only under 2 x 18 watt fluroescent tubes...
It's a sequential bloomer and the spike grows forward to a new flower from the old so you end up getting a long bare spike which is zigzagged with a bloom right at the very end- see pic.
Ok so I thought I'd take a quick photo of the overall plant, which I did. You can't even really see the flowers very well in those photos- too tiny
But I also took a shot of a bloom and it turned out to show way more detail than any other photo I've ever taken of it!
Thanks Tindo for motivating me