"Two weeks" may have it. I hope.
What happened is this: took that stubborn rascal to the festivities last Saturday with a thousand buds and not one open flower. Darn it, somebody was going to see it! The other orchid geeks were, of course, impressed.
The head AOS judge took me aside and told me that they had not judged the plant, asked if I knew why. Of course, I did, "because there aren't any flowers."
But it was more complicated (and much kinder) than that: they wanted to make sure that I had the opportunity to show it with flowers at a later date.
So today, I detoured from my work route (luckily a mid-60's day) and dropped it off to a friend in Eunice, who will take it to some orchid-thing in Alexandria this weekend, and hand it off to someone who will go to the judging center in Shreveport next weekend (12/19, I think); my fondest hope is that a whole mess of those buds are open, and the judges are suitably awed.
If not, at least it will have traveled most of the south, north and west portions of Louisiana.
As of today, two inflorescences had buds open, so I am knocking wood for a dazzling show in 10 days or so.
Photo attached was taken this morning.
Whatever happens, it has been an adventure!
Cheers - Nancy