Actually upon closer inspection about 3 minutes after the photo was taken. There is another spike coming up on the other side. Giggity!
Now if I can get M. sernae and M. wendlandiana. to follow suit ( spike ). Well, let just say the Mods are going to have their hands full They might have to ban me til I calm down.
hahaha!! Ooh I don't think so Keith! No one is going to ban you from be excited - do you know how many crazy people are in this place? LOL!
We all get really excited when we see spikes, I just about pass out anytime I get some orchids thru the mail, just opening the box can sent ya to the floor.
Enjoy man, this is fun schitt!!
Oh BTW you could see 20 blooms on that before its finished, these also bloom more then once per year, wonderful and fun orchid to grow.
Hey, congrats! I really love this species. I bought this one years ago and mounted it in my terrarium. At first it was doing well and was my first Masdie to ever actually bloom for me. Well, after that there was the great mealy bug war of '07/'08. Mealy bugs almost killed this one and then I moved it, cleaned its two remaining leaves and now I have an almost back to normal Masdie. I discovered I could grow it outside a tank and this one is not prone to rot, or dessication. A really tough beginners Masdie. I can't wait to see mine rebloom, and cant wait to see yours in bloom. Treat it well and never give up on it in the future.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"