Originally Posted by dr_dmd
Thanks for shring this - would you care to sahre a pic of your tank set-up as well?
cheers - Don in CA
Alrighty! I've snapped a couple photos of my setup. They can be found in my gallery, but here they are anyway:
This is the tank a friend of mine set up for me about a year ago. It's a simple 15 gallon tank that's been partitioned with plexi glass and silicone caulking into two sections. The part on the left holds deionized water (or RO), a fogger creates mist, which is blown by the computer fan (you can see it on the top left of the tank) past the orchids and out an opening at the other side. 6500K 1600 lumen CFL lights it all up!
This tank is at the base of my bed...the light doesn't even wake me anymore when it turns on at 6am!
Front view of the tank; a small space, but adequate for the orchids I have in there now. I'm looking to buy a large reptile tank with doors that open from the front (Exo-Terra), but they're kind of expensive!
Top view of tank, looking in.
Clockwise from top left:
Comparettia macroplectron, Porroglossum muscosum, Scaphosepalum grande, Sophronitis cernua var. flava, Pleurothallis alveolata (Look closely, it's blooming!), sitting on the bottom left, a Drosera sp. (not an orchid...I know - haha), Isabelia virginalis and finally, Sophronitis cernua.