Ahaha, well, I don't think I could grow it in an aquarium anyways, since I don't have one. I'm in college right now, so perhaps it isn't a good idea to get touchier plants until I have a more permanent residence. All of my plants are on the living room windowsill and a little side table where they get decent indirect lighting. At the moment, my pleuros include a Masd. dynastes, Drac. lotax, Scaph. breve and Scaph. microdactylum. We'll see how they do in a modified version of RJSquirrel's fishbowl method. Otherwise, the room they are in is usually somewhere between 50-60% humidity. I'm not sure how a pendulous dracula would do, especially since it needs to hang. It sounds like a humidifier would be the easiest way to keep up the humidity for the pleuros I cannot utilize the fishbowl method for.