01-13-2009, 09:26 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Zone: 7b
Location: Queens, NY, & Madison County NC, US
Age: 45
Posts: 19,374
Anyone have experience with Masd, subsection Durae?
Hello all,
I think I just made a discovery (for myself anyways) for a group of Masdies that I can probably grow well.
Its some of the Masdies of the subsection Durae. These include
M. ayabacana (Luer) Luer
M. dura (Luer) Luer
M. goliath (Luer & Andreetta) Luer
M. newmaniana (Luer & Teague) Luer
M. panguiënsis (Luer & Andretta) Luer
M. princeps (Luer) Luer
M. regina (Luer) Luer
M. robusta (Luer) Luer
M. titan (Luer) Luer
M. utriculata (Luer) Luer
Of this list, I already have M. princeps, which I have grown with relative ease. Its growing, slowly, but growing, and doing it nicely. Nice green tough leaves, no signs of stress.
From what I have read, almost all, except really M. dura which is from the coldest regions of mountain tops is warmth tolerant, has large showy and colorful flowers as well.
I actually just went ahead and ordered an M. ayabacana from Ecuagenera. However, I wanted to know if anyone here has any experience with this one or any of the others on the list. Especially M. goliath, M. panguiënsis, M. regina, & M. titan.
Another thing, according to Pleurothallids.com these are no longer in the genus Masdevallia but are now in the genus Regalia. Whats up with all the name changing?
Well, just hoping to start up a nice lively conversation of Masdevallia orchids here.
P.S. I also ordered M. tovarensis which I had, but rotted through lack of air circulation. This time I will do better. Its a nice big Masdie with large white flowers. Definitely worth it.
Let me get some feed back Please!
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti