Hello there, boytjie! That certainly seems to be an odd mounting method.

Hopefully some others here will give you their opinions and suggestions. But, I thought I'd just share the story of my Masd. floribunda. Take from it what you will.
I received mine (I think it's the tuerckheimii variety) in February. I thought it would be in a pot when I ordered it, but it came to me mounted on a stick – not sure what kind of wood.
When I got it, I think it had a serious reaction to the change in environment, and over the first week it lost a few leaves. My belief is that he was probably used to being in a much more humid environment than I could provide. At the suggestion of people here on the OB, I resisted the temptation to unmount him.
For awhile I kept the mount in a clay pot in an attempt to raise the humidity locally at least some and provide a bit of cooling. Not sure if I accomplished much doing that except for increasing the chances of black pitting on his leaves. So in April, I took him out of the pot and hung him back up. I increased watering (twice a day, sometimes three if the temps are pushing 85) and moved him to a position where he received a much more direct hit of air from my fan.
Since making those changes, he has responded very well. He has put on four new leaf growths and a lot of new roots. Haven't seen blooms yet, but he is certainly much much happier and healthier.
Anywho. I certainly can't pretend to offer you any suggestions, but perhaps you'll be able to take something away from the trials of my little guy.
Cheers and