No real secret here!
I bought this 2 years ago and it came in a tiny pot with spag that had turned green. I kept in on my windowsill in the kitchen until it quit blooming. It then got stuck out in the pseudo greenhouse aka. an old horse stall turned greenhouse on a shelf in fairly bright light and it gets watered almost daily in the hot months, and slightly less frequently in the color months.
When I saw the erin pots, I knew right away that this one would be a good candidate for one, as it is so small and I could only allow myself to buy the smaller pots. When the pot arrived I just pulled it out of one it came in a shoved it into the new one, with some new spag as filler...
It seems quite happy as it sent out around 12 spikes last month and as they died off, it has continued to send out new ones, although much fewer in number.