Pleurothallis Ruscifolia
I ordered this Pleurothallis on Etsy, a new vendor called Orchids by Cecilia. Firstly, when they get more stuff in im interested in, I'll definitely order more from there. The Stelis Biserrula and Acianthera Violacea are in amazing condition. The Stelis and Pleurothallis were £5 each. The Acianthera was £10. I'd never get these specimens from the normal vendors for that price. They'd be likely £12-£15. As a side note, all orchids tested negative for Cymmv/ORSV too.
The Pleurothallis arrived a bit funky though, the roots seemed rotted and the leaves are papery, and I've seen this happen with a Pleurothallis Paliolata keiki I have which I think happened due to a lack of light (I experimented as I have far too many of them now). It has dropped 1 leaf, but the others are still firmly attached. My new cabinet is set up, and can accommodate all 3 of them. I've mounted them myself. I'm thinking I should put the Pleurothallis in there to give it the best chance, but if anyone has any other advice or witnessed something similar in a Pleurothallis type before, please let me know.