Originally Posted by Another_World_Terraria
Thanks for the replies.
I was hoping some folks online would have species recommendations to help me build a wishlist, but I can definitely contact Andy as another resource.
Where to start... overwhelming.
Lepanthes calodictyon for sure meets the "pretty leaves" criterion. There are some other relatives also with really attractive leaves. Lepanthes telipogoniflora is spectacular, flower is huge relative to the plant.
While not a lot have really attractive leaves, most are fairly attractive. Masdevallias certainly come to mind... little jewels. Most of them love cool and moist. And Restepias, little bugs. Lots of other Lepanthes are also beautiful. And don't limit yourself to Pleurothallids... some of the high-elevation Papua New Guinea Dendrobiums (like Cuthbersonii) are in bloom for months (leaves not that special, but with flowers that last 6 months or more there's color) . And Vandaceous species like Ceratochilus biglandulosus or Haraella retrocalla are frequent bloomers. Decent leaves, but lots of flowers. Angraecum urschianum has really interesting leaves, and a flower that huge relative to the plant.
The list goes on and on... Take a look through the Terrarium Gardening subforum, there are lots of ideas there.