Cultivar is 'Crownpoint' AM/AOS (1986).
Purchased in May from Golden Gate Orchids and seems to be doing ok in my warm intermediate conditions (18°C min, 28°C max). Some black spots, I assume from heat stress, appear peppered on the leaves, but they're not too bad as yet. Several new growths are on the way.
Color is just wowza powza in the sun, really wonderful. No fragrance noted.
It's potted in sphagnum and I water it with distilled, as the literature says these are very mineral sensitive. I've fertilized it twice with a couple of drops of fish emulsion in the water, and then rinsed the medium thoroughly the next day.
Flower measures 15 cm tall and 3 cm wide.
Photos: Whole plant, flower in sunlight, flower in indirect light; holding flower in sunlight