Masd Pixie Shadow "Harford" (schroederiana x infracta)
I was very pleased with my first bloom. Purchased 6 months ago and potted in a glass bowl and sphagnum using this very old post as inspiration. The plant itself quadrupled in size in that time and a couple months ago I was rewarded with this bloom. The bloom has since faded but I look forward to what it will give me next.
the glass bowls actually work as intended also. they do break easy and hard to clean so collect a few extras from the hobby lobby .
I might replant a few of them myself..
(direct sun turns them into mini boilers but you know that already too)
Hi RJSquirrel! I'm so happy you (as the inventor of this method- as far as I can tell) saw this post!
Do you still use this method? Or do you have any tips from your past experience? I've been so pleased with my success so far and hope to keep it going and expand my collection.
I havent in some time bec I was able to move outside and then moved myself into a new home and life took over..I need to start some of these up again bec now Im running out of room and these are great for bright shaded windows.
I havent in some time bec I was able to move outside and then moved myself into a new home and life took over..I need to start some of these up again bec now Im running out of room and these are great for bright shaded windows.