I'm excited to have new growth and what must be a spike on a Dracula velutina var xanthina! I've only had the plant for about 3ish months, so I can't claim to know what I'm doing with it in any real way, but I do think it is happy in my care so far.
Other than avoiding any major changes in culture, is there anything I can do to hurry the spike along or at least not delay it? Am I in for months of waiting or weeks (obviously I am hoping for the latter

I have it in a cold death window where many tropicals have gone to flounder during our Minnesota winters. 60-70 degrees maximum now and will get colder as winter progresses, in the low to mid 50s won't be out of the question.
55-65% RH is fairly common for this room. Should I be working on increasing the humidity for long term happiness?
I keep it moist but not swampy. I've read that these can take fairly low temps as long as they are kept moist. Or is it that they can take higher than ideal temps if kept dry? Would love to have someone confirm/share wisdom.
Thanks in advance!