A few months is not enough to get a deficiency issue, maybe after a few years... a very good Dracula grower that I know recommends about once a month for Dracs where she gives it to her Masdevallias (also beautifully grown) once a week. Very dilute for both, of course. So if that level is optimal, they can both do fine with a LOT less.
Also, humidity is not such a big deal if the plant is wet enough. And that might be an issue is SH. I grow my Dracs in plastic baskets with sphagnum, and they are sopping wet most of the time. Humidity is whatever Mother Nature provides, maybe 80% at night and 45-60% by day most of the time but occasionally down to single digits RH and HOT. Keeping them wet seems to get them through both low humidity and high heat episodes. In fact, I am amazed at how, even in summer, the big flat ones (like roezlii, woolwardii, cordobae for example) will be wide open in the cool of the morning, to partially collapse as the day warms up and then perk up again the next morning. Worth getting up early and visiting them with coffee in hand! Here's what greeted me last week...
Last edited by Roberta; 06-10-2021 at 06:05 PM..