I was hoping someone could give me some insight to my difficulties growing this Masdevallia. For background, I am not familiar with the Pleurothallis alliance, and only own two-both of which have been given to me in trades within the past 6 months or so. While both are staying alive, neither are flourishing.
I have been getting new growths periodically on this plant, however once they get about a half inch long, they dry up. It has no trouble producing growths, just cant mature them. I was told when I received the plant that it did not have a great root system, but I am now starting to get new flushes of roots.
I unpotted it to see if I could see any clear issues (photos below), but I could not tell anything other than the roots were worse than I expected. If you have any advice for me on how to prevent this issue from persisting please let me know! Or if you have any advice on pleuros in general I would love to hear it
Thank you!