Is this little darling happy with the heat? No. Would it do better with some cooler nights? Absolutely. But grow and bloom it does, even in my tropical climate. It even powered through a long heat wave (otherwise know as “summer”) when our heat index was 108°F/42°C with a minimal diurnal range. I am looking forward to autumn. The blooms don’t want to open up fully when it’s that hot, can’t say I blame them, but this has been blooming off and on, with one or two blooms at a time, since May. It’s adorable. I spray it down with some distilled water a few times a day when I walk by it and very lightly fertilized once a month. I have a fan outside to help with the temps and air movement, and it is grown in a fairly shady spot. I also recently added some live moss to the mount. I really need to try out some more heat tolerant Pleuro alliance types!
Thank you so much! This Restrepia purchase definitely fell under the ‘why the hell not’ category. I’m curious to see how it does long term, it’s only been in my care a little over a year, but it’s lasted through two summers so that’s promising
Lovely. I also have a helluvatime keeping these going. Blooms are few and far between but a cause to celebrate when it does happen. But cooler temps are coming!
I’m not so patiently waiting for some cooler nights
I’m just starting to experiment with some Pleuro types. They are touchy but so darn cute! So far I have a little Dracula lotax (never bloomed it) and a Pleurothallis tribuloides (no problem getting that to bloom) for two full years and then added a Stelis pachystele (spiked but blasted when I hit it with some fertilizer and crappy tap water accidentally) and this Restrepia over the past year or so. I’m always surprised at how many times each of times these growths can bloom on the Restrepia.