Hey, harpspiel!
This is an old thread from 2008. I'm sure they don't care if you "hijacked" the thread at all by now.
I've grown this before.
So here are a few questions for you...
1. Do you grow potted or mounted?
2. What is the intensity of the light you have it grown under?
3. What kind of water do you use? (RO/DI?, rainwater?, distilled?, tap?)
4. How often do you fertilize?
5. What kind of fertilizer are you using?
6. What is the NPK ratio of the fertilizer?
7. Is your fertilizer urea free?
8. What is the concentration of fertilizer you're using?
9. How often are you watering?
10. What's the temperature range?
11. What's the humidity?
12. How are the roots doing?
13. Do you have rooting hormones?
14. What's the air circulation like?
15. Do you grow indoors or outdoors?