Photo of the Month contest!
Each month, OrchidBoard members can nominate photos posted in any of the forums during that month. At the end of the month, a poll will be created so that users can vote on their favorite!
The subject of the photo must be orchids: flowers, leaves, whole plants, etc.
Each nomination MUST include:
- the name of the plant being nominated (NOIDs should be labeled as such, e.g. Phalaenopsis NOID)
- the member's name who contributed the original photo
- a link to the original OrchidBoard thread that the pic is shown in
- the nominated photo (using BB code image tags)
For example...
Plant name: Epilaeliocattleya Charlie Brown
Posted by: IncurablePlantHead
Original thread:
Other Guidelines:
You may not nominate yourself.
You may nominate different photos from different members, but only one photo per member.
If one member receives several nominations, only one photo will be selected for voting.
This thread is for nominations only.
Once the nominations have finished, the poll thread will be open for two weeks.
Nominations for this month will end at 11:59:59 on May 31st, GMT.
Looking forward to seeing some great photos this month! If you need help nominating a photo, just let me know.