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Old 05-13-2013, 03:40 PM
gardengirl13 gardengirl13 is offline
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shooting and editing video Female
Default shooting and editing video

kind of photography! I'm using my camera for it at least! ha ha!!

OK i shoot all the time. I love photography! I've been needing to get into shooting video for my husband's band. We need video for contests they've been entering. I shot their last gig on the 26th and it came out pretty good. I only have the one camera so I can't shoot different angles. I'm working on how to do this as a music video, not just a shot of their gig. We want to do something kind of campy and silly. But I'm not sure how to go about editing it. We can do the easy stuff like fade ins and things like that. But I'm not sure if I'll need software to do anything more then that basic stuff. We'll be using a studio recording of the music so sound isn't as issue so we can get different angles and them doing different things.

Anyone have any suggestions? I've only shot their shows before.

Here is what I did a couple weeks ago.

oh and if you're curious my husband is the guitarist!
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Old 05-14-2013, 05:43 AM
Discus Discus is offline
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The joy of non-linear editing is you can get shots anywhere and "splice" them together later on, so you can mix footage of a great gig in with staged shots etc. Obviously, when you're making a music video, it helps to have the various changes on beats, and preferably in a sensible bar progression.
What you can do is limited mainly by your imagination and time, but obviously, what software you have access to plays a role too.
If you want to specifically go out and get shots, then it'll probably help to sketch out a storyboard.

Get a tripod. There is a place and a time for shaky video, but it needs to be intentional and there for a reason. You can make a "ghetto" dolly out of little more than an office chair and a friend to pull/push it; this is handy for those shots where you zoom the camera and move the camera at the same time, giving that effect where the background zooms away or zooms in, depending which way you go.

Don't forget to think of different angles, and as with stills photography, light is very important.

On-camera sound is usually pretty bad; you either need remote mics or studio-recorded tracks, which you then sync with the video (well, vice versa really).

Much like with stills photography, it's usually better to fill the frame with your subject; you're going to get much better video from the front or even on stage than from behind a crowd of heads.

Good luck!

Last edited by Discus; 05-14-2013 at 05:50 AM..
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Old 05-14-2013, 08:25 AM
DGehman DGehman is offline
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There are several video editing programs out there. For Windows, there's Adobe Premier, plenty expensive, $20/month, min. 1 year ($240); Camtasia Studio from TechSmith, $200; Videomeld from GoldWave, $20-70 depending on license duration.

There are others; these are just the ones I know anything about.

All have a learning curve, especially around rendering (final production). Each will do what you want.

I don't know if Adobe Premiere Elements ($70) has the power you need -- possibly.
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Old 05-14-2013, 10:01 AM
gardengirl13 gardengirl13 is offline
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Yeah I kind of have ideas for how to shoot, it's more the editing. The ghetto dolly sounds good though for some shots! I will use a tripod, I HATE shaky movies, they kind of make me feel sick. ha ha! This was purposely shot with the crowd though, if you look through their other videos on youtube you'll see I shot to the side, but in doing so it seems like no one was at the shows even though there are quite a few people at each show!

I'm not sure of the song they'll chose for the music video. This day and age you have to video or photograph everything as people just don't seem to go out to shows like did even 10 years ago! So when I'm feeling up to it I shoot all their shows, we also will try to shoot more rehearsals too. That way I can also shoot more angles of the same song.

The sound in this is the camera mic. It really surprises me! I've had three cameras shoot video, could only really use one of them, until I got this one! I can't believe how well it handles a loud band! you can hear most parts, the mic needed to be turned up on my husbands vocals, but he only sings a few lines in one song, so it wasn't tested as well as the other two. But with the old camera I could never get the bass or the vocals to come out over the drums. But like I said it'll have a studio recording.

I'll research into what software I can get for cheap, iMovie is what we used to do this quickly. I never really tested it out to see what else it can do. My husband does most of that since he used to do that with old videos from where he works for the web site (old archive videos from the college- so it's nothing fancy)

If anyone else knows anything or has any more tips I'm very grateful!
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Old 05-14-2013, 10:08 AM
Discus Discus is offline
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I've seen some pretty impressive things cut together with iMovie from a GoPro, so that shouldn't be too limiting
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:34 AM
gardengirl13 gardengirl13 is offline
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Thanks!!! i'll have to futz around with it and see what I can manage!!!
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