Originally Posted by LauraN
So...Are you loving the 7D ?
I am considering getting one and wondered if you were happy with your purchase ?
Sorry for the late response.
I love this machine. I really don't utilize the video at all and almost wished that it wasn't a feature in there for the sake of a lower price, but ah well.
The two things that I love (and caused me to get it) are the remote flash unit and the 8 fps. With the remote flash unit (I already have a 580EX II) I can do more creative portraiture shots vs improvising with mirrors.
And I am a big sports shooter (especially of track), so the heightened frame rate gets a lot of mileage; it is usual for me to take
at least 1200 pictures at each track meet.
The flash feature was what made me choose this over the 50D and the framerate made me choose it over the 5D Mark II.
Other nice features are the leveling tool for building shots, weather sealing, and better noise reduction (useful for shooting museums or events such as concerts).
Now I can focus on expanding my lens collection.
Some sample shots; my recent orchid show thread is a bigger example from that camera.
Utilizing the flash. Haven't actually got to utilize this in portraiture yet as I have been busy, but I have been using it to take pictures of items.
Don't ask me why the cat is attracted to the flash. Couple shots later, she was actually rubbing her face on it.
Example of the high framerate.