Thanks for the offer to help. I have had some fantastic advice on the forum. My phal has crown rot and we are hoping for a keiki so i can at least have another one.
Great pictures Amanda! I suppose you have professional equipment, but do you have any suggestions for a good intermediate camera? My camera is on its last legs--old by digital camera standarsd. It doesn't like to work in darker surroundings, and no longer focuses on closeups. I haven't done any research yet, but can you suggest a brand that takes good pictures--including evening and closeups?
Hi Judy! Thank you for the compliments ! I don't have any fancy equipment, I don't even have a tripod! You would crack up at the way I took those pictures with the black background. I draped my black, wool winter coat over a chair in the living room and set the orchids on the floor in front of it. I have a lamp that I keep on my 'chids, a compact florescent marked "daylight", that I can manipulate. When I have my "setup" done I sit on the floor and rest my hand on my knee to prevent blur from shaking. When you can't get a professional camera you get very creative My camera is a FujiFilm FinePix A700. Not fancy and not expensive, my husband won't let me get an expensive one,maybe one day! I think we paid around $150-$200, the prices vary on the internet. The camera I use has 7.3 megapixels and a decent macro setting. I love my camera, but would absolutely over a good SLR camera with a nice variety of lenses! My suggestion would be for you to go to a retail store, perhaps BestBuy and see what they have. I like higher resolution, but this takes up a lot of memory and the pictures are HUGE, so maybe invest in some XD memory cards, if you plan on taking a lot of pictures at a time and can't upload them on your computer right away. Will save you from a BIG headache and a lot of frustrations. Well, that's all I got. Good luck in your hunt for a new camera and make sure you post lots of pictures, when you get it!!