Just come across your excellent site and would like to ask anyone on here if they have brilliant hi-res photos of any clowesii orchids that we could print in Salford Star magazine in the UK.
I'll try and explain...Salford is a city next to Manchester that has an amazing heritage that we like to show. And one of the things we've come across is a strain of orchid called clowesii which gets its name from the Rev John Clowes - this huge orchid collector (he hired John Lindley to gather them from S.America) who gave his collection to the Queen over 100 years ago, which ended up in Kew Gardens, London.
Anyway Rev Clowes lived (well, kind of owned) Salford so we thought it would make a nice heritage article to tell people that there's a whole genus of orchid from Salford. Kew Gardens are helping with the article and have sent us a photo of the Anguloa clowesii - but we're looking for photos of other strains (if that's the right name - this is a whole new botanical world for me!)
The Salford Star is a 76 page award wininng, free colour glossy mag which is non profit making (we lose money, lots of it, on every issue!). It's a community magazine with a difference - we try to be `quality'! If you need any further details on it please check our website (it's currently being re-vamped) or just Google us.
You can e-mail me at
We can't pay anything as the whole mag is run by volunteers but we will give you a huge credit and send you some copies of the mag
Look forward to hearing from you
Stephen Kingston
Salford Star
Salford Star - with attitude & love xxx
MySpace.com - Salford Star - 100 - Male - UK - www.myspace.com/salfordstar1