Leafmite |
10-01-2018 03:13 PM |
The problem with both the Pitt Bull and the St. Bernard is that, when kept away from people in a pen, these powerful dogs can become aggressive. Dogs need consistent training, socialization, and affection to be good canine citizens. They need to know human behavior well enough that nothing will frighten, taunt, or alarm them, which could set them into attack mode. Bonding with humans, too, is very important, as well as giving them an outlet for all of that energy.
I do not think we should gang up on the person with the St. Bernard. I have known several people who have adopted or rescued St. Bernards only to be overwhelmed by the shear size of them and then had to go through the process of finding them a forever home. All of these people were really nice people and very sad about the experience. Most of them had owned dogs all of their lives but never a St. Bernard. What he should do is find another home for that dog and consider a much smaller breed that will fit into his lifestyle better.
I really like the Illustrated Guide to 140 Dog Breeds by Katharina von der Leyen as a guide to adopting a dog. Even if you are going to get a dog from a pound, humane society, or rescue, the book really is helpful to understand how to choose the right dog.