My husband and I did small mammal rescue and rehab for a decade before having to wind down because of the limitations of chronic illness and more disabling conditions. Still we are generally known in our area for doing intensive care for little animals.
Two Mays ago, because of a crisis at a breeder’s place, we were asked to take in a litter of four kittens. They had been orphaned the day prior, at three days old, and had not been fed since. The rescues and animal welfare organizations in the region were all (predictably) swamped with kittens. The kittens grew up just fine. They were Manx kittens. Three of the four were adopted by six weeks of age, all placed with clients of the nearby animal hospital who were known by the hospital to be persons who would spay/neuter and take good care of their needs.
We decided to keep the rumpy one, Bunny, because he would require special attention and help for his severe colorectal dysfunction and elimination problems. Bunny goes to Doctors about twice a month, on average -- even more than I do.